NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Talita Vālodze-Zommere Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Latvia

Talita Vālodze-Zommere (born 1993) graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia in 2016 with a Bachelor´s Degree in Painting. She has participated in group exhibitions since 2013, most relevant of them include group exhibitions “Birthday Greeting!” at the Riga Latvian Society House, Latvia (2016) and“Student Diaries” at Art Station Dubulti, Jurmala, Latvia (2016). She has had 3 solo exhibitions – “Classical drawings and Improvisations”, Saldus J. Rozentals’ Museum of History and Art, Latvia (2010); “Awake”, Saldus J. Rozentals’ Museum of History and Art, Latvia (2015); and “Alternating”, Kalnciema Quarter, Riga, Latvia (2016). In 2014, Talita won the Philanthropist Ināra Teterev’s art grant and in 2012, she received the Zeberins’ prize in nomination “The Most interesting Ilustration in Children’s Literature”.


Alternating I by Talita Vālodze-Zommere
Alternating I, 2016  
70 x 100 cm
Alternating IV by Talita Vālodze-Zommere
Alternating IV, 2016  
80 x 150 cm
Alternating VI by Talita Vālodze-Zommere
Alternating VI, 2016  
70 x 100 cm

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