NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Sonata Riepšaitė Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania

Sonata Riepšaitė (born 1993) received her BA degree in painting from the Vilnius Academy of Art in 2018. She has also studied in Royal Academy of Arts (Netherlands) as an exchange student. After her graduation she started collaborating with one of the most active galleries in Lithuania called “Meno Parkas”.


From cycle Distant Proximity by Sonata Riepšaitė
From cycle Distant Proximity  
100 x 120 cm
From cycle Distant Proximity by Sonata Riepšaitė
From cycle Distant Proximity  
80 x 100 cm
Distant Proximity by Sonata Riepšaitė
Distant Proximity  
100 x 120 cm
From cycle Distant Proximity by Sonata Riepšaitė
From cycle Distant Proximity  
140 x 150 cm
From cycle Distant Proximity by Sonata Riepšaitė
From cycle Distant Proximity  
138.5 x 93.5 cm

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