Siram Mari Kartau

Artist's country of origin: Estonia
Mari Kartau aka Siram (b. 1968) graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts majoring in art theory, studied at the non-formal art educational institution Academia Non Grata and also has a forestry education. Is in art mainly into performance art and painting, less installations and graphics. Has curated numerous exhibitions and written art criticism. She was more active in the field of art between 1992 and 2015, but is still active today. The main thing in the creation is the study of the relationship between human and nature, while nature can also be represented by human itself.
“Art is born when there is something to share with others. I don’t think it makes sense to do art just to earn living and make a career. Especially since there are other interesting things in the world. For me, for example, forestry, which I have also studied after the career in art world. I think that an artist could also know some other fields – it broadens the concept of creation and expresses messages more deeply. For me, art has primarily been a learning tool for myself, an instrument for development – some periods of life require more art, some less. I believe that others can learn or perceive something from their works. Certainly not exactly what I experienced, but perhaps at about the same level as the landscape passing by the window can act as a sign, sometimes even life-changing, in some moments of clarity. In my work, I mainly study the relationship between human and nature, where nature can also be represented by human itself. Human being is a confused animal, trying to find a common language between reason and feelings, rationality and instincts, cultura and natura. In my work, the landscape is a representative of perfection and peace, although I understand that this impression is deceptive – most landscapes are influenced by humans, and there may be same kind of hidden as in a person struggling with a lifelong midlife crisis, who has not lost hope of becoming happy.”