NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Sandra Österberg Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Sandra Österberg (born 1990) received her BFA in sculpture from the University of the Arts Helsinki in 2018. During her studies she did an Erasmus exchange in Akademie Der Bildenden Künste Wie. Her works fluctuate between large and small perspectives where they end up in the borderland between abstraction and figuration. The visual narratives explore and problematize the themes about corporeality and not too seldom, it includes the female body or a queer/-norm-breaking body/bodies.


Bad imitator 1 by Sandra Österberg
Bad imitator 1  
175 x 150 cm
Bad imitator 2 by Sandra Österberg
Bad imitator 2  
180 x 165 cm
Bad imitator 3 by Sandra Österberg
Bad imitator 3  
155 x 100 cm
Bad imitator 4 by Sandra Österberg
Bad imitator 4  
58 x 46 cm

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