NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Sakari Vinko Emerging artist

Sakari Vinko

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Sakari Vinko is a visual artist residing in Helsinki, Finland. His body of work consists of representative oil paintings which look at the cultural and metaphysical condition of a postmodern human reality through a critical lens. He is currently finishing his master’s degree at the Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts and recently participated in the Kuvan Kevät MFA exhibition.


Reflections by Sakari Vinko
235 x 145 cm
Replications by Sakari Vinko
230 x 180 cm
Among the Other by Sakari Vinko
Among the Other  
200 x 163 cm
Paralipsis by Sakari Vinko
150 x 200 cm
In Memoriam by Sakari Vinko
In Memoriam  
200 x 150 cm

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