NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Robert Suvi

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Robert Suvi (born on June 8, 1947, in Tartu) is an Estonian artist and educator, renowned primarily for his work in monumental painting. He received his initial art education at the Tartu Art School from 1962 to 1967, studying to become an art teacher. Later, he continued his studies at the Estonian State Art Institute (ERKI) from 1971 to 1976, specializing in monumental painting.

After graduating from ERKI, Suvi worked for ten years as a lecturer in the painting department. He has also taught at the Joensuu Art Academy in Finland, the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences, and the Euroacademy’s Faculty of Design, as well as at the Tallinn and Tartu Art Schools. Currently, he serves as a lecturer in landscape architecture at the Tartu College of Tallinn University of Technology.

Suvi has created numerous monumental works, including a mosaic panel in the foyer of Tallinn’s Magdaleena Hospital and a fresco in the Merivälja Nursing Home. His stained glass artworks can be found in various locations, such as the EMT headquarters in Tallinn, the restaurant at the Baltic Station, and the Tartu Children’s Hospital polyclinic. Additionally, he has produced stained glass pieces for locations in Hungary and Finland.

Beyond monumental painting, Robert Suvi’s oeuvre includes oil paintings, featuring portraits, landscapes, still lifes, and abstract compositions. He has also led an adult art studio named “Suvi,” where he instructs art enthusiasts of various ages.


Horseshoe by Robert Suvi
Horseshoe, 2024  
100 x 90 cm

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