NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Peetu Liesinen Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Peetu Liesinen started to study in University of Arts Helsinki in 2014. He got his Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2017. He was an exchange student in Universität der Künste (UdK) Berlin in 2017. His professor was Thomas Zipp. He has  had many group exhibitions in Finland, Sweden and in Berlin. Next group exhibition will be in may at SIC gallery in Helsinki and he will have his first solo exhibition in august at Project room in Helsinki. He has works in Kiasma collections (Seppo Fränti collection). He also got scholarship from “Friends on academy of fine arts” this May. 


SLUDGE by Peetu Liesinen
1605 x 210 cm
Hedge by Peetu Liesinen
1605 x 210 cm

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