NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Mara Ljutjuk

Mara Ljutjuk

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Mara Ljutjuk was born in Tallinn in 1978. She graduated the speciality of painting in the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2001 , where she also acquired Master’s degree in educational sciences. She has taken also courses in fine arts in Universidad Politécnica Valencia (Spain) in 2007. She is a member of the Estonian Artists’ Association and the Estonian Painters’ Association since 2006. She has held several solo exhibitions since 2004 and participated in various group exhibitions since 2000. Beside painting, Mara is also active supervisor and designer of exhibitions, she is dealing with supervision and organization of the programme in Evald Okas Museum. In 2019 she was recognised with Gallery G Art Prize. In 2020 she was a nominent of Konrald Mäe Prize.


Race with the time by Mara Ljutjuk
Race with the time  
60 x 87 cm
Blossoms of life by Mara Ljutjuk
Blossoms of life  
70 x 185 cm
Prayer by Mara Ljutjuk
150 x 120 cm
Hallid kardinalid by Mara Ljutjuk
Hallid kardinalid  
90 x 120 cm
Kahevahel by Mara Ljutjuk
137 x 195 cm
Dagmar by Mara Ljutjuk
73 x 100 cm

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