NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Mall Paris

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Mall Paris (1954) is an Estonian painter. She graduated from the Painting Department at the Estonian National Institute of Art (1984). The figures in her paintings almost resemble geometric forms, but usually also contain something else that cannot be directly defined. There are traces of minimalism and poetic arte povera in her works. In her own empathetic way, she poetises the lifestyle and art that have grown out of the scarcest means, yet her works also display the best features of professional painting. She recently held a joint exhibition Sisters with Edith Karlson at Tallinn Art Hall Gallery in 2019 and a solo exhibition Infinity at Hobusepea Gallery in 2020.



Recycling 21 by Mall Paris
Recycling 21  
61 x 83 cm
Recycling 29 by Mall Paris
Recycling 29  
61 x 83 cm
Seen Unseen by Mall Paris
Seen Unseen  
70 x 70 cm
Light of the Century  by Mall Paris
Light of the Century  
70 x 70 cm
Kesktee by Mall Paris
60 x 70 cm
Päev by Mall Paris
40 x 40 cm
Nimeta by Mall Paris
60 x 73 cm
Under the Blue Sky 1 by Mall Paris
Under the Blue Sky 1  
125 x 120 cm
Under the Blue Sky 2 by Mall Paris
Under the Blue Sky 2  
125 x 120 cm

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