Jogintas Čepulis Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania
In the coloristic painting of Jogintas Čepulis, one can feel the touch of pure energy. His acrylic painting is characterized by transparent tactile strokes that merge into asemic writing gestures. The imagination, guided by defined principles, is accompanied by bright and rich color variations. Jogintas’ context is a metamodernist discourse, considering contemporary aspects of aest-ethics, new sincerity, new materialism, and performatism. The musical rhythmicity that unites abstract eclectic motifs echoes the myth of the eternal movement of life. By synthesizing a sense of musicality and linguistic syntax, Jogintas drifts between conceptualism and improvisation. He constructs closed logical systems that operate in the spectrums of line, color, and stroke. His creative field is strongly influenced by Lithuanian ethnic music traditions, the experimental theater of Jerzy Grotowski, and the linguistic philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Jogintas Čepulis (b. 1991) lives and works in Vilnius, Lithuania. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in painting from the Vilnius Academy of Arts in 2022 and a master’s degree in sculpture in 2024. Notable exhibitions include the solo show “Folk oras” at the “Akademija” gallery (Vilnius, Lithuania) in 2023, and the group exhibition “Mind Readers” curated by Aistė Marija Stankevičiūtė at the Atletika gallery (Vilnius, Lithuania) the same year. His works have been acquired by private collectors in Lithuania and abroad. “Wisdom is grey, but life and religion are colorful.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein)