Iris Allese Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Estonia
In the 2014-2018 period, I completed the 3D Artist-Designer major in Tartu Art School and graduated with honours and a certificate of profession. In 2016, I completed the animated shortfilm “A Game of Identity” together with my team, which won the Audience Award at the 2016/2017 La Biennale dei Licei Artistici “Il Gioco”. For this shortfilm, my teammates and i were also nominated for the 2017 Tartu Young Cultural Carrier of the Year award. From 2018 to 2022, I obtained a Media and Commercial Design Bachelor’s at the Pallas University of Applied Sciences. In this time, I published short comics in the Tartu literature zine Värske Rõhk and participated in three exhibitions at Gallery Pallas. My thesis project received an unanimous maximum grade and the commission’s commendation for both the practical and theoretical parts.