Diana Maria Petrošiūtė

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania
“During my creative process I rely on my personal experience, challenges and the surrounding environment that inspire me to create. I think that lessons learned from different experiences enabled me to understand the world better and art is the feeling I intend to pass on to others. I am skin and textile artist. In 2020 I received a bachelor’s diploma in the field of textiles art and design studies. An education provided me with not only confidence but also a new perpective on textile art in general. Textiles are no longer just a beautiful fabric, but also the human skin (tatooing). I have participated in several international exhibitions of contemporary textile art: “What if?…” (Lithuania, Norway), ,,Virus’23” (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Netherlands, France, Germany). During the warm season I organize creative workshops and art festivals where I provide my insights about textile decorations.”