NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Alex Schellong Emerging artist

Alex Schellong

Artist's country of origin: Finland

Alex Schellong, born in Czech republic 1998, is an artist living in Helsinki, Finland, where he has ongoing MFA studies at UniArts Helsinki. In his endeavors he is focused on ways of maximizing the potential value of art for the broad public through an understanding of underlying neuroscience and utilizing cutting edge technology. Spanning from formal art objects to functional furniture and fully digital works. Some of which has already been showcased in exhibitions both in Prague and Helsinki. Kuva/Tila, Helsinki – Kuvan Kevät – 2023 Project Room – Monumental Change: Public Art (What) Now? – 2022 Kuva/Tila, Helsinki – final BFA show – 2021 Tasku Gallery, Helsinki – Everything was already redone – 2019 Gallery 1st Floor, Prague – Final works Scholastika – 2018

Mixed media

Untitled (Semantic Bounds Violation) by Alex Schellong
Untitled (Semantic Bounds Violation)  
48.3 x 40.9 cm
All Shapes by Alex Schellong
All Shapes  
33.5 x 39.8 cm
2021 freesounds & all their 5 beat rhythms (1.406704e+12) by Alex Schellong
2021 freesounds & all their 5 beat rhythms (1.406704e+12)  
100 x 100 cm

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