Ieva Trinkūnaitė

Artist's country of origin: Lithuania
Ieva Trinkūnaitė was born in 1997 in Kaunas, now lives and creates in Vilnius. Ieva received her BA in printmaking in 2020 from Vilnius Academy of Arts, Lithuania. From 2018 Ieva participates in group exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad. In October 2019 she held her personal exhibition “En el barrio* (*in the neighbourhood (in spanish)”, in gallery„5 Malūnai“, Vilnius. After one year, in October 2020 she held her personal exhibition “Instinct” in Vilnius Academy of Arts gallery Titanikas. 2019 she won a 10-day rest at the Nida Art Colony by participating in the Algimantas Švėgžda drawing competition, in the same year won the jury prize Foundry Art Center, Putting It Together 2: The Art of Assembling, Missouri, (USA).