NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Eva Mustonen Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Eva Mustonen (born 1986) has studied textile art and semiotics in Tartu and Gothenburg respectively, and installation and sculpture at Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. Mainly working in installation, her work is built upon personal kind of stories about being different, becoming invisible in the social sphere and about living somewhere on the outer rims of the society. Combining traditional techniques with products of everyday living and DIY solutions, Mustonen creates intricate, yet simple works that manifest her deft hand and sensibility in manipulating with materials. Drawing inspiration from simple everyday life and the abundance of stuff found in the flea markets, her work can be interpreted under the pretext of feminist art, where the personal becomes political.

Mustonen was rewarded with the young textile artist of the year award in 2014 and the Eduard Wiiralt stipendium in 2017.


Under The Popcorn Volcano by Eva Mustonen
Under The Popcorn Volcano, 2018  
300 x 300 cm

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