NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Annabel Janke Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Annabel Janke (born 1994) is a young painter, who lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia. After finishing Tallinn Art School, she started studying in Estonian Academy of Arts in graphic design department but is now finishing bachelors degree in painting. With her paintings, her subject of interest is portayal of a human, capturing his/her character but also abstractionism. Lately she has been more interested in optical art, but her style has always been leaning towards pop-art and being poster-like. In addition to that, drawing caricatures is one of her passions.

The artist considers her biggest accomplishments so far to be her personal exhibition “Talvine Vitamiinilax/Wintery vitamin shot” (2017 Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Tallinn, Estonia) as well as group exhibitions “LUUPLOOP” (2017, ARS project room, Tallinn, Estonia, curator: Elin Kard) and “Proovid/Tests” (2017, Draakoni gallery, Tallinn, Estonia, curator: Margot Kask).


Free your inner disco princess by Annabel Janke
Free your inner disco princess, 2018  
150 x 200 cm

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