Silvia Sosaar Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Estonia
Silvia Sosaar (b. 1979) is an artist living and working in Tallinn. She has an MA from Contemporary Art Dept. of Estonian Academy of Arts. She uses a contemporary work of art to be a so-called (user) interface between the creator, context of creation and the audience. Her activity as an artist is based on mutual creative cooperation and adventures with people that I have chosen. Sosaar has experimented with the analysis of femininity from the neo-pop viewpoint; street-level action; performances at rock concerts; a video production on the topics of mental health based on a literary work; an anthropological study of a profession; including amateurs, etc She is the co-founder and general manager of the publishing house ‘;paranoia’ and has participated at numerous performances of the presentations of publication. Sosaar is a founder of publishing house ‘skaala publishing’. She is also a member of the artists’ performative musical group ‘Karamell’.