Ellenor Rose Nish Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Finland
my name is Ellenor Rose Nish and i am an artist in Finland on planet Earth. in my art practice i show tender care by creating space for gentleness and inquisition. i follow what interests me and questioning forms the basis of my research which generally strays into the land of natural sciences. i take interest into botany, geology and clouds. my works can be said to be installations, gestures, prints, videos, books, texts, performances and objects. i know that i will be an artist for the rest of my life. the act of being an artist reaches broadly into my life in how i perceive the world around me. i have chosen to pursue art because it provides the opportunity to explore all of the things that interest me. art is a glue and a mirror. it can combine anything and notice things in new ways. i believe that art is very important to humanity as a whole as it helps us to collaborate, connect and reflect. for individuals it is important as it gives space to express, explore, think and experience. through art i am equipt with the tools i need to understand and shape the world. my art practice has taken a journey that reminds me of an octopus traveling with arms reaching in many directions. nowadays it is like a microhysal web connecting trees in a broud forest. in the beginning, i expressed the color white, minimalism and the hidden stories of objects. in the middle i explored shadows, the finnish language, teacups and vegetables. at present i am endevoring to preserve biological diversity into the deep future and replicate natural phenomena. my projects are well planned and i can clearly visualize outcomes. i hope that a viewer of my art will feel safe and at ease when experiencing my pieces, ponder and question.