NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Arvid Staaf Emerging artist

Artist's country of origin: Sweden

Arvid Staaf is born in Stockholm, Sweden in 1989. Studied in sculpture department in Fine Art at the University of the Arts in Helsinki, Finland (bachelors degree). 

Arvid tries to work as freely as possible and have an open ended work process. What comes out comes out and he lets fantasy to rule. He sometimes thinks of his work process as in how you work in traditional psychoanalysis – through free association, he learn something about himself and his thoughts, his feelings. His looking inwards trying to understand who or what he is, and looking outwards, trying to understand who the others are and what it means to be a conscious being in this seemingly never ending universe. he tries to understand politics, fear and identity, joy and making. What does it mean to create? Beyond terms such as art, theatre and music – what are we actually doing? He tries to create a place for the big and the small, for sublime experiences as well as the very personal. He finds reality to be such a wildly strange and incomprehensible experience but instead of shying away from that feeling, he tries to lean into the madness of existence. He works in the shadow – and sometimes in the light of many different artistries. Among these should be mentioned Lars Norén, Anselm Kiefer, Watain and Diamanda Galás.


Strangers at the Abyss by Arvid Staaf
Strangers at the Abyss, 2023  
100 x 100 cm

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