NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

Joel Vedru Emerging artist

Joel Vedru

Artist's country of origin: Estonia

Joel Vedru (born 1977) has studied in Pallas University of Applied Sciences in Department of Painting and Restoration (2018-2022). He has taken part of the exhibitions of the Department of Painting of Pallas “Quality” (2021) and “Intention to Study” (2022). The last exhibition was in that summer in June 2022 in Kondas Centre in Viljandi and was called “The World of Illusions”. “The World of Illusions” was an exhibition drawn with ballpoint pens, a part of the final BA work. Joel Vedru consideres his ballpoint pen works the best to share with his audience. He has made them over 15 years now.


Excitement by Joel Vedru
29.7 x 42 cm
Memory by Joel Vedru
29.7 x 42 cm
Moonface by Joel Vedru
42 x 29.7 cm
Home by Joel Vedru
27.9 x 42 cm

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