NOBA Nordic Baltic contemporary art platform

The graduation festival TASE'24 of the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) was open until last weekend. The exhibition in Tallinn Art Hall, that is currently under renovation, showcased the graduation projects of the Faculty of Design and the Faculty of Fine Arts.

This year, one of the main themes of the EKA graduation projects was human-centeredness—addressing the nature of being human and the problems created by humans. The creators focused on humans and their existence. To illustrate the perspectives through which young creators view the zeitgeist, keywords such as hypersensitivity, emotional heritage, social integration, body, security, violence, everyday rituals, mental and physical health, spirituality, and the environment emerged. Across faculties, human beings were examined in today’s world and living environment according to the creative fields of their respective disciplines.

See photos of the exhibition. Photo credit: Joosep Kivimäe.