NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Ramina Habibollah Noor kunstnik

Ramina Habibollah

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Soome

Ramina Habibollah is a Finland-based installation artist born in Tehran. In her works, Ramina often combines and layers transparent, iridescent, and porous materials. By doing so, she builds spaces that touch upon notions of ecology, feminism, and cyborg anthropology. She is interested in exploring alternative ways of co-existing with other-than-human bodies and other dimensions. Ramina graduated from Art School MAA in Helsinki in 2017 (FI). Her artworks have been presented in Helsinki at HIAP Gallery Augusta, Third Space, Kivinokka as well as in Fiskars Biennal, Espoo, and Gängeviertel, Hamburg (DE). Ramina is currently completing her BFA studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki.


It’s all good at the compost heap - Ramina Habibollah
It’s all good at the compost heap, 2023  
2 x 2 cm

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