NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Oles Makukhin Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Leedu

Being born in a family of architects and surrendered by art from the very childhood, Oles never imagined himself doing anything except visual arts. Through the years he spent at Art Academy in Kyiv, studying scenography and theatre Arts, he come to an approach of treating art as a living being, consciousness, an organism endowed with the qualities and characteristics inherent in a living person. Theatre gave him a unique possibility to understand the artistic language through diverse means, observe magic intersections and accordance between them.

Acquiring a Bachelor degree in Kyiv and prolonging Master studies in scenography at Vilnius Academy of Arts, comprehension of Theatre turned into a somewhat healing act that through the game, requires entering into communication with all that dark, shameful and suppressed that is hidden in a person. That is the concept that helps us overcome obsessive human fears and complexes, understand the being as it is of much more essential phenomenon than our own ego, but namely the process arising from unity with the world of others.

Taking part in diverse art projects since 2015, both commercial and nonprofit, artist has performed as a crafter, property master, costume designer and scenographer. Command and diversified work led to a development of such substantial experience as mutual comprehension and frankness, responsibility for others performance. During the preproduction period most of my attention and efforts are devoted to the elaboration of artsy sketches and detailed layouts, comprehensive discussion of literary material within creative group, the only possible outcome of which I consider in coming to a mutual consent and creation of integral artistic image. Withal, significant part of my creative process occupies a proper and intelligible transmission of ideas and images to craftsmen department, close monitoring of implementation and flexibility in resolving unexpected issues.


The Glass Bead Game - Oles Makukhin
The Glass Bead Game, 2021  
3000 x 50 cm

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