NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Migle Puzaite-Svirskiene Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Leedu

Miglė Pužaitė-Svirskienė (born 1991) graduated from the Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania) in 2016 with a Masters Degree in Graphics/Printmaking. She works with the techniques of printmaking, drawing, installations and interdisciplinary art, artist book, graphic design. Main themes that the artist is interested in include memory, precious personal things, family history. Artist participates in group shows and makes personal exhibitions. In 2017 artist  participated in „6th International Latgale Graphic Art Symposium“, Mark Rothko Art Center, Daugavpils, Latvia (3 works were donated to museum’s collection).


Collecting Memories: No. 4146018 - Migle Puzaite-Svirskiene
Collecting Memories: No. 4146018, 2015  
86 x 61 cm
Collecting Memories: No. 4A53019 - Migle Puzaite-Svirskiene
Collecting Memories: No. 4A53019, 2015  
86 x 61 cm
Collecting Memories: No. 444A021 - Migle Puzaite-Svirskiene
Collecting Memories: No. 444A021, 2015  
86 x 61 cm
Collecting Memories: No. 5A4D020 - Migle Puzaite-Svirskiene
Collecting Memories: No. 5A4D020, 2015  
86 x 61 cm
Collecting Memories: No. 475A011 - Migle Puzaite-Svirskiene
Collecting Memories: No. 475A011, 2015  
86 x 61 cm

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