Meldra Bula Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti
Every work is a transition from reality to the artist’s point of view. Some transitions are didactic, others are only suspected. I try to convey unusual, interesting but positive feelings to the viewer with paintings. Even if there is drama in the work, there is hope in it. I pay special attention to how I feel when I paint. Of course, there is joy, anger, pain and experience, different every time, and in the paintings, I do not ignore what is happening to me at that time. I have focused on the Christian theme in painting. Emotions are very important to me in art. This is great if the viewer feels the works ambieance. I am interested in self-selected full-length human figures. I can show the essence of the person of that moment better in this way. I also like mood paintings and I like to include small writings in the paintings, depict people’s relationships with others as well as paying attention to how the color layouts works in the painting and include natural motifs. I paint both fast and long-term works. It is important for me that the chosen theme and the whole painting are significant to me for longer reflections in my life in long-term works. On the other hand, I catch the sense of the moment in fast works. For example, if I am suddenly interested in one color, I will probably start painting with it. In my art you can mostly see realism, expressionism, symbolism and romanticism. I often paint expressive mood paintings. There are works that depict experiences from my life in the past, present or visions of the future. I paint with acrylic, oil or color pencils on cardboard, canvas or paper. I have been nominee of the exhibition “Jazeps Pigoznis Prize in Latvian Landscape Painting” (Riga) three times. Twice my paintings have been included in the collection of the Preiļi Museum. In 2020, one of my tryptich “Self portraits” paintings (2017) from exhibition “Tested. Result positive” was published in IR magazine. Most important exhibitions: 1) The Art Academy of Latvia graduate work exhibition 2022 “Let it sprout!”, Kalpaka bulvaris 13, Riga 2) The Exhibition of Diploma work of 2016 graduates of Janis Rozentals Riga Art secondary school “In the beginning was”, Kalnciems Street 14, Riga 3) The exhibition of teachers and students of the Department of Drawing of the Art Academy of Latvia “Tested. Result positive”, Ventspils, theater house “Jūras vārti” 4) The exhibition „Brederlo – von Sengbusch Art Prize”, Riga