Ieva Stalšene Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti
Continuous symbiosis between the incomprehensible, the spiritual and the humanly brutal is present in the creative cloud of Ieva Stalšene. The topics covered by the artworks might repulse a more conservative audience, but she is not afraid to provoke a stranger’s shame. The story she tells is about spiritual experiences in a human world where yin is not detachable from yang. Her artistic expression is based in the art of scenography outside the theatre stage and concentrate on the relationship between the space, the object and the spectator. E d u c a t i o n 2021 – present Master of Arts, Department of Painting, Art Academy of Latvia 2017 – 2021 Bachelor of Arts, Department of Stage Design, Art Academy of Latvia 2013 – 2016 First-level professional higher education, Cultural management with specialization in Theatrical Art, LAC College of Culture of Latvia. P r o f e s s i o n a l e x p e r i e n c e Since 2021 Artist assistant of Miķelis Fišers. Since 2020 Member of artist alliance 4K. Since 2019 Participating in group exhibitions. Since 2014 Participating in creative projects as director, scenographer, producer, project manager. M o s t i m p o r t a n t p r o j e c t s 17/08/21 – 10/10/21 “Scale: Maximalism”, scenography scale model exhibition by artist alliance 4K, at The Riga Richard Wagner House windows, Riga Latvia. 13/06/21 – 13/11/21 “Dream of the future” Festival of Karaosta 2021, space installation, Liepaja, Latvia. 26/08/20 – 26/10/20 “XXX”, space installation by Ieva Stalšene, at Culture-spot “Točka” group exhibition based in former rubber factory “Provodnik”, Riga, Latvia. 06/08/20 – 6/09/20 “45,5m2”, exhibition of large-scale paintings by artist alliance 4K, at Former Beer Brewery, Cesis, Latvia. 19/06/20 – 29/07/20 “The End of the World”, exhibition by artist alliance 4K, at Kalnciema Street Gallery, Riga, Latvia 6/06/19 – 16/06/19 “The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space”, participant in Art Academy of Latvia Stage Design department student exhibition.