NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Sandra Schneider

Sandra Schneider

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Soome

Sandra began her studies at DJCAD in Scotland and completed BA in Fine Art with 1st Class Honours. Did the exchange semester at Konstfack, Stockholm during the first degree. Since graduating enrolled at Aalto University to pursue studies in Visual Culture and Contemporary Art, from there moving onto a more specified course in Fine Art/Sculpture at University of the Arts Helsinki. Held her first solo show in Helsinki in 2018 followed by second, in 2019. Was awarded with a grant for Galleria Huuto solo show in 2019 by Greta and Alfred Runeberg’s Foundation. The Finnish Art Foundation purchased a work from the show, as well as from masters’ graduation show in 2020. Have been participating in group shows in Scotland, Sweden, Estonia and Finland since 2014.


Members (yellow envelopment), in the front - Sandra Schneider
Members (yellow envelopment), in the front  
999 x 999 cm
Pool - Sandra Schneider
999 x 999 cm
Dogs (purple envelopment) - Sandra Schneider
Dogs (purple envelopment)  
999 x 999 cm
Film Study - Sandra Schneider
Film Study  
999 x 999 cm
burger - Sandra Schneider
999 x 999 cm
blue jeans, long-distance - Sandra Schneider
blue jeans, long-distance  
999 x 999 cm

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