Svetlana Saveļjeva Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti
Artist has got BA and MA in Sculpture from Art Academy of Latvia (Latvijas mākslas akadēmija) and as well has studied visual art in Escola Massana (Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny de Barcelona) by the Erasmus+ exchange programme. She also has interior designer qualification (Riga Art and Media Technical School). Since 2014th Svetlana participates in exhibitions in Latvia and in international shows (FIDEM congress exhibitions in Belgium, Canada, Italia and Japan, and the Baltic Triennial medal exhibitions in Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, China etc.), creating sculptures of different genres and sizes. Svetlana is working in the field of round sculpture and also in medal art, being currently the member of International Art Medal Federation (FIDEM). The art pieces reflect the artist’s subjective philosophical observations about people’s typical or spontaneous behaviour, when meeting social problems or beliefs of this era. Her interest lies in figurative composition and portrait, and she is experimenting with various natural and composite materials, such as acrylic resin, silicone, wood, metal, fibreglass and plastic.