Elvīra Beķere Noor kunstnik

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti
I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design, where I learnt different printmaking techniques and took part in various competitions. For example “Drawing women out of the shadow” in Italy, a joint competition between Japan and Latvia where I had to illustrate the cover of a book and where I got third place and a school competition “Grannie’s things” where I drew my grandmother. I have also taken part in various exhibitions. I have participated in the Andrejs Upītis Memorial Exhibition, the “Drudzis” exhibition organised by my course mates, and the last exhibition where I showed my diploma work “Matilda and the bad Mr. Sunny” comic. But, to my delight, I have drawn illustrations for a couple of publications, like the magazine “domuzīme” and the game book “esi/emocijas”.