NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Julija Abrasonytė Noor kunstnik

Julija Abrasonytė

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Leedu

Julija Abrasonytė (born 1999) is a graduate of Vilnius Academy of Arts, painting program. Currently continues to study for Master’s degree. Her main mediums contain painting with oil on canvas combined with charcoal drawing. Using painting as a medium she seeks to share insights that come from real memory, thought, discovery. One of her main research fields consists of exploring memories and how they transform and deform while time passes. She calls this process recollections of the memory. This is why her paintings usually are washed out, fragmented and blurred to show how unclear she feels about those thoughts and memories, how little to none she can restore them, how the signal that once was clear, now is interrupted. In result, objects on the canvas are shapeless, unrecognizable, deformed. During the time at the Academy Julija showcased her work in various exhibitions, from whom mentionable are: Group Exhibition, “Changing Landscape”/”Kintantis peizažas”, Vilnius Academy of arts, Kaunas; Group Exhibition, “Muted Stories”/”Nebylios istorijos”, Vilnius Academy of arts, Kaunas; “Recollections of the Memory”, VDA Exhibition Hall “Titanikas”, Vilnius.


The Sweater was There - Julija Abrasonytė
The Sweater was There  
120 x 90 cm
Bad Signal - Julija Abrasonytė
Bad Signal  
150 x 130 cm

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