NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Ingrīda Ivane Noor kunstnik

Ingrīda Ivane

Kunstniku päritolumaa: Läti

Ingrīda Ivane (1985) is a painter and a textile artist. She’s held 8 solo exhibitions in Estonia and Latvia and has participated in more than 50 group exhibitions in countries including Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Australia. For a number of years, she has explored various topics surrounding houses, buildings, and homes. On the way, she has created a range of works ranging from internationally commended tapestries to installations and live painting performances. For the exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Art Academy of Latvia she built a separate, enclosed space in the Arsenāls exhibition hall in Riga where she, over two months, painted and repainted the walls using Soviet tones and ornamental motifs before settling for a white exhibition cube where the visitors could peel off the layers of paint covering its walls. Her latest work, “34 29”, is a 30-square-meter painting meant to develop a better understanding of what houses mean to people and what it means to lose a home using a painting technique she developed to better mimic the way people notice things and form visual memories. In addition to two degrees from the Art Academy of Latvia, she also has a master’s degree in cultural theories from the Latvian Academy of Culture.


34 29 - Ingrīda Ivane
34 29, 2022  
480 x 640 cm

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