NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Will my clone dream of electric sheep?, 2024

200 x 200 cm

Acrylic, oil on canvas. Video.

A mixture of traditional painting and digital techniques, culminating in a video depicting the artist’s doppelganger. The desire to detach from oneself and obtain an objective view through the experience of first impressions has resulted in the impulsive creation of a digital clone. Created from a vain obsession, It’s destiny is to be seen, known and left to exist eternally in the digital cloud. Although the clone is not sentient, there is a certain melancholy that manifests in the knowledge of one’s doppelganger existing in an endless digital void. A question therefore is raised ”Is it necessary to go these lengths, just because it is possible?”.

The work includes a video, two large scale and two small scale paintings, depicting the author’s head as a UV map, the author’s skin texture map and two eye texture map paintings. The work was created using several methods and software, such as photogrammetry, Blender, Unreal Engine and Live Link Face app. The video depicts the authors clone in a free flowing monologue, exhibiting gestures and patterns of speech imported directly from a recorded video of the author.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Left eye texture map - Kristiāna Poce
Left eye texture map  
30 x 30 cm
My own skin - Kristiāna Poce
My own skin  
200 x 200 cm