NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond
SILDID: NOBA Award´24  

Untitled, 2024

200 x 640 cm

Charcoal The theme of the artwork is rooted in the artist’s personal experience of two fires that destroyed the family’s properties, both tragedies serving as a stark reminder of the infinite struggle between good and evil, as well as their eternal coexistence. Large-scale charcoal drawings positioned facing each other create a contemplative space that invites the viewer to reflect on themes such as self-awareness in time and space and the transience of moments versus eternity. The intentionally narrow placement of the works reflects the vastness of reality and symbolizes the limitations of human perception. The work was created with intention to overcome post-traumatic emotions by becoming familiar with them (rather than abandoning) using artistic paths, e.g. using some of the coal left from the latest fire directly in the drawing.