NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

The way home, 2024

55 x 37 cm

Photo project “The Way Home” is a part of my Master’s project at Vilnius Academy of Art titled “Forced Migration. The Way Home,” inspired by my personal experience of forced migration from Belarus to Lithuania. The project talks about the stages of adaptation each migrant goes through. The project consists of photographs of the windows of my house in different periods. Each photo corresponds to different stages of life in exile: life in one’s native country, the stage of culture shock, adaptation, and habituation. Through house plants, I talk about how the migrant himself changes during the process of adaptation and how he finds a sense of home in a new place.

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Educational cards  
4 x 6.5 cm


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Straight and in a Circle  
10 x 10 cm