NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

St. Artists, 2019

999 x 999 cm

Performance artefact (paper carpet, slackline), video “Tik ėjimas” and “Antenna” projection, graffiti mark by young graffiti artist, record from the discussion on art and faith in “Radio Maria Lithuania”, “The broad and narrow way” poster’s reproduction Two years artistic research and practice revealed in the final MA graduation show in the gallery “Atletika”, 2020 June-July.

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St. Artist. A Narrow Path and the Artist’s Pressures amongst the Art and the Religious Communities - Dominyka Čiplytė
St. Artist. A Narrow Path and the Artist’s Pressures amongst the Art and the Religious Communities  
800 x 200 cm


Tik ėjimas/Just walking - Dominyka Čiplytė
Tik ėjimas/Just walking  
100 x 100 cm
Antena / Antenna - Dominyka Čiplytė
Antena / Antenna  
100 x 100 cm