NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Spring Meets Autumn. Moon Flowers And All Others Ever Given To Me, 2023

200 x 500 cm

Acrylics on canvas

Spring Meets Autumn. Moon Flowers And All Others Ever Given To Me

In Series Of Moon Flowers


Acrylics on canvas

200 x 500 cm

This painting was exhibited at Tartu Kaubamaja II floor December-January 2023-2024.

It does not have an underframe. It travels in a roll. If you want an underframe to be added, it is recommended you do it in loco of the final destination, because the painting is 2 x 5 m in size.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


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A Hidden Heart Is Opening Like Light On A Sunlit Day  
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Hommiku saadikud  
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Päikesetõusu ja -loojangu vahel: stiihiad  
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Diving Deep  
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In Full Light. Come Fast, My Love  
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In The End There Is Enough Love  
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The Evenings That Won’t Be Forgotten. Peace  
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Kristallid taldrikul I - Liis Koger
Kristallid taldrikul I  
50 x 50 cm