NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

She Around Him, 2023

100 x 100 cm

The work depicts the multifacetedness of the phenomenon of love. It is an experience of the state and flow of thoughts of a person who is in love and sees beauty all around. A state that expresses an elevated state of mind and an atypical flow of thoughts for an ordinary person in love. The work subverts the ordinary and transcendental phenomenon of love by finding an abundance of common denominators. Having in mind the essential differences and enriching it with unusual thoughts, the monologue acts as an allusion to the contemplation by transcendentalists, a kind of romanticized knowledge. “They talked about their feelings and, as I later realised, about their transcendental objects of love. About what was dearer to them than their own lives. They seemed to be young people in love, sharing similar experiences and playfully exchanging advice with each other. If I didn’t know they were two elderly yogis, I would have thought they were happy people who had just discovered love” (excerpt from autobiographical essay The Nature of the Human Sense of Beauty).
