NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Semantic Satiation, 16 paintings, 2023

120 x 120 cm

oil on canvas

Aim of the thesis: The Master’s thesis demonstrates the work process, which is an integral part of the work result. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to immerse the viewer in the artist’s mental state, drawing attention to the process of creating art as a continuous journey that begins with thought, continues with exploration, continuous internal reflection, the loss of meaning and changing of perspective through theoretical research, the technical process of work – and ends with an exhibition. One of my study works, “Set Harmony”, in which fragments of naked female bodies are depicted in a realistic painting manner, served as the basis for the work. I decided to repeat it as many times as possible, consciously choosing copying as a practice of repetition. In this process, I explored the resultant and procedural concepts in art and concluded that art is not a result, but a process, just like the infinitely changing and never fixable human body.


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Semantic Satiation - Julia Silova
Semantic Satiation  
240 x 240 cm