Graafikamapp "10 käsku" ehk Kaasaegsed Ellujäämise Reeglid, 2016
29 x 42 cm
Tehnika: Serigraafia
Graafika mõõt 29 x 42 cm
Karbi mõõdud: 35 x 42 x 2 cm
Anonymous Boh ““10 käsku” ehk Kaasaegsed Ellujäämise Reeglid” graafika komplekt sisaldab 14 signeeritud originaalteost:
“Never take a day job”
“Do not consume DIY”
“Create your own environment”
“Don’t whine, change it”
“Be self sufficient”
“Plan ahead to live in the moment”
“Questionize everything”
“When you know the truth, spread it out loud and wide”
“Just do it”
“Be involved”
“Don’t compare”
“Escape your comfort zone”
“Do not expect to be invited back”
“Make every act as if it was your last one”
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