NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Outhouse, 2024

170 x 125 cm

Bricks, clay, glaze

The work aims to depict interactions between the interior and exterior in the multi-level house where the author grew up. Color of the bricks and tiles acts as a reference of that building. Tiles are glazed with lustre that reflects everything from the outside in the inside. The work reflects the inherent aesthetic values of the outhouse and apartment building. The job title plays with the psychological observations of the interior and exterior while in those spaces. The apartment is a private space in which there are occasional noises in itself from other apartments, suggesting that the structure itself is nonetheless public. These intimate homes, in apartment sensations that interacted with the public image of apartment building, the analogy is sought in outdoor toilet structures – outhouses. They’re private and sealed spaces for a while, but they’re public: ones that are available to many or everyone.