Printed textile, aluminium rails, stepper motors, BCR.
Opus phase iii is an immersive installation consisting of a series of kinetic objects. Originally presented during the MFA graduation show at the Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki, this artwork delves into the realm of autofiction, drawing inspiration from the personal experiences of the artist as a transsexual individual. Within opus phase iii, transformed bodies and body parts are dragged by belts along aluminium rails and propelled by motors. The interplay of movement and stillness evokes profound contemplation on the essence of humanity. The work invites viewers to ponder the implications of objectification and the historical dehumanization of queer and trans bodies, prompting a question: has queer ever truly been considered human? Throughout the creation of opus phase iii, Kolya was driven by the idea of creating something unseen. The artwork combines various mediums, weaving together elements of photography, performance, moving image, installation, and sculpture.