NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Onion Skin, 2017

30 x 80 cm
Upcycled linen, cotton, natural dyes, onion skins, grass

Various dimensions

Composition of miniature natural fibre objects presents one of the most significant plant in nordic cultures – onion (Allium cepa).

Tradicionally used as a medicine, spice and natural dyeing –  onion has not lost itsmultifaced importance to this day. As a strong, indispensable, invisible and irreplaceable link it permanently connects cultures, places and nations.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Daugava jõekallas - Rita Broka
Daugava jõekallas  
140 x 195 cm
Maa - Rita Broka
130 x 172 cm
The Dress of Landscape - Rita Broka
The Dress of Landscape  
150 x 110 cm


Mortality - Rita Broka
180 x 180 cm
Urban Landscape - Rita Broka
Urban Landscape  
110 x 150 cm