NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond
SILDID: NOBA Award´24  

Memories from that one landscape, 2024

325 x 130 cm

video, handmade paper, plants

They are containers, documentation, notes, warm touches, damp mosses. Memories from that one forest, from the shore and from the meadow. First kisses, Cries in dawns, bursts of laughter. The work consists of a video and a paper installation swaying in front of the window. Close-ups of the details of the papers glide repeatedly in the video. The papers are handmade, and there are plants stored in them from different environments. The plants give hints about the landscape: they evoke memories and collect them – physical, pictorial, experiential. They pass on stories and conserve new fantasies within themselves. The purple glow of heathers, the scent of pine needles and the heat of the sun. Cracking sound of trees. The rustle of leaves, the splash of puddles. The salty breeze of the sea, the laugh of seagulls, a lake like silk, the glimmer of waves. The work was exhibited in Kuva/Tila-gallery part of Academy of Fine Arts Helsinki’s Kuvan Kevät 2024 –exhibition.