NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Lubadus - Sandra Vingre
115 x 115 cm
Blue India - Sandra Vingre
Blue India  
130 x 100 cm
COLLAGE - Sandra Vingre
130 x 100 cm
Flow - Sandra Vingre
130 x 110 cm
Maryle - Sandra Vingre
130 x 110 cm
Greek lover - Sandra Vingre
Greek lover  
130 x 110 cm
Light flows - Sandra Vingre
Light flows  
58 x 49 cm
Mediterraneum - Sandra Vingre
64 x 79 cm
Megumi - Sandra Vingre
110 x 120 cm
Nostalgia - Sandra Vingre
50 x 35 cm
On one side and another - Sandra Vingre
On one side and another  
60 x 60 cm
Red Sea - Sandra Vingre
Red Sea  
120 x 100 cm
Still life with a fan - Sandra Vingre
Still life with a fan  
100 x 110 cm
The letter - Sandra Vingre
The letter  
65 x 45 cm
The old station - Sandra Vingre
The old station  
50 x 35 cm