Maali Roomas, 2018
Fotod on ainueksemplarid (tiraaž 1/1). Lamineeritud fotoalumiinium 3mm. Tagaraam 15mm + riputused
Edward von Lõnguse ja fotokunstnik Ruudu Rahumaru koostöös valminud ainulaadne fotosari kunstniku tänavakunstituurist Euroopas, mis oli osa EV100 rahvusvahelisest programmist.
Ametliku programmi kõrval saatis kunstnikku reisidel off-programm, millest saame osa vaid läbi Ruudu Rahumaru fotode, keda salapärane kunstnik ainsana on usaldanud oma tegevust dokumenteerima.
Kokku külastasid kunstnikud 11 Euroopa pealinna ̶ Berliin, Brüssel, Rooma, Helsingi, Kopenhaagen, Pariis, Budapest, Vilnius, London, Viini ja Riia.
Storyline “Maali is Estonia’s most recognised master of spinning and whirling. She just never gets dizzy. Maali says this unusual superpower comes from being repeatedly struck by lightning while installing lightning rods in trees as a child, but the truth is she was conceived when her parents got busy on a merry-go-round. The lightning only had a minimal effect on her. As a patriot of her country, Maali has largely dedicated her talents benefiting the people, culture and government of Estonia. She has personally tested out village swings, wind turbines, and even radar masts for the Border Guard. What’s more, if there’s ever a drought, she’s happy to spit three times over her shoulder to makeit rain. For an extra fee, of course”