NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Left eye texture map, 2024

30 x 30 cm

This painting is a part of the artists Bachelor’s project ”Will my clone dream of electric sheep?”.

A painting of the authors left eye, which is later used as the eye texture map for the authors digital clone.

About the complete work :

A mixture of traditional painting and digital techniques, culminating in a video depicting the artist’s doppelganger. The desire to detach from oneself and obtain an objective view through the experience of first impressions has resulted in the impulsive creation of a digital clone. Created from a vain obsession, It’s destiny is to be seen, known and left to exist eternally in the digital cloud. Although the clone is not sentient, there is a certain melancholy that manifests in the knowledge of one’s doppelganger existing in an endless digital void. A question therefore is raised ”Is it necessary to go these lengths, just because it is possible?”.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


My own skin - Kristiāna Poce
My own skin  
200 x 200 cm
Will my clone dream of electric sheep? - Kristiāna Poce
Will my clone dream of electric sheep?  
200 x 200 cm