NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Inspector (Wait! I know how it should be done), 2024

70 x 49 cm

Watercolor on paper The inspector knows how things should be. He always has his own interpretation and he makes sure that everyone else knows about it and praises his vision. “Inspector” was one of the paintings in Gerth Kuusk first solo exhibition “Kummardus kaosele / Bow to chaos” that took place 2024 in ArtDepoo. It can be described as a vigorous explosion of color and form. Kind of an ode to random occasions where the artist puts the creation of his two children on the podium, portraying their abstract, carefree and spontaneous style as visual chaos and mixes it with his own technique. Authors are the artist Gerth Kuusk (b. 1983), his son Klaus Johan Kuusk (b. 2020) and his daughter Hilde Johanna Kuusk (b. 2022).

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


An unfortunate incident with a tea - Gerth Kuusk
An unfortunate incident with a tea  
124 x 74 cm
Patcher - Gerth Kuusk
74 x 124 cm
That’s it! - Gerth Kuusk
That’s it!  
70 x 49 cm


Muutujad (28/44) - Gerth Kuusk
Muutujad (28/44)  
32.6 x 24 cm
Muutujad (3/44) - Gerth Kuusk
Muutujad (3/44)  
32.6 x 24 cm
Muutujad (32/44) - Gerth Kuusk
Muutujad (32/44)  
32.6 x 24 cm
Muutujad (35/44) - Gerth Kuusk
Muutujad (35/44)  
32.6 x 24 cm
Muutujad (7/44) - Gerth Kuusk
Muutujad (7/44)  
32.6 x 24 cm
Muutujad (8/44) - Gerth Kuusk
Muutujad (8/44)  
32.6 x 24 cm