NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Fear, 2024

200 x 150 cm

acrylic, oil on canvas

Whispers in the Night – Portals of the Mind A pale figure chases after you as the sky darkens ahead. Gravel roads turn into rivers, where your inability to swim strains your body. Huge black dogs guard you from danger. A light in the trunk of a tree beckoning you to a better land. A series of paintings about dreams, depicting specific nightmares and delving into their impact in real life.

Veel sellelt kunstnikult


Falling - Alise Builevica
200 x 150 cm
Hope - Alise Builevica
200 x 150 cm
Water - Alise Builevica
200 x 150 cm