NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

Dee on Intel Ledge-abled frooth, 2024

85 x 230 cm

oil, charcoal, glue on cotton

After day comes evening, and the last painting in the series, Dee on intel ledge-able frooth, is set during this time. There is a swooping background in ochre as if we are in an Italian restaurant, a simulacra of an environment from the past. Wine vines above, a dinner table, or a coffin in stone beneath. The fold in the cloth is sampled from the famous fresco secco by Leonardo Da Vinci. The fold inclines that this dinner was something special. The cloth is crisp. It couldn’t have been used every day, the fold would have evened out. Did the apostles know this supper was the last? On the surface of my coffin-table, little things are placed. An ancient scroll turned into an impossible architecture, a cute little oil rig resembling a robotic dog, surrealist sculptures out of rusty junk, and a ram’s head with a golden seashell instead of horns. A meeting about them could have happened here, remedies left behind. Today, in late human history, people have meetings and govern over all kinds of things. Within the cloth, in a gothic typeface, it is written: Il est interdit d’interdire!

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