NOBA Põhja- ja Baltimaade kaasaegse kunsti keskkond

A Memory of the Solstice, 2022

30 x 30 cm

burnt plywood

This artwork has been made using birch plywood and a primary element – fire. This unique burning technique has been experimentally developed by the artist and practised for more than four years. The work reflects on the symbolical, centrical power of sun. It is a memory of pure light and the longest days when it never gets dark. This work has taken part in several exhibitions in Porto and Lisbon, Portugal.

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Firefly - Arta Raituma
40 x 40 cm


A Trip to Agave Kingdom - Arta Raituma
A Trip to Agave Kingdom  
40 x 40 cm
Bent but Not Broken - Arta Raituma
Bent but Not Broken  
30 x 30 cm
Blues - Arta Raituma
40 x 40 cm
Entangled Riverbed - Arta Raituma
Entangled Riverbed  
40 x 40 cm
Manifesto - Arta Raituma
40 x 40 cm
Movement 1 - Arta Raituma
Movement 1  
120 x 120 cm
Nucleus II - Arta Raituma
Nucleus II  
120 x 120 cm
Nucleus. Contraction. - Arta Raituma
Nucleus. Contraction.  
125 x 125 cm
Nucleus. Expansion. - Arta Raituma
Nucleus. Expansion.  
125 x 125 cm
Portals - Arta Raituma
40 x 40 cm
Symbiosis I - Arta Raituma
Symbiosis I  
120 x 120 cm
Territory - Arta Raituma
152 x 77 cm
The Endless Summer Party - Arta Raituma
The Endless Summer Party  
80 x 50 cm


Soul of Fire - Arta Raituma
Soul of Fire  
100 x 100 cm


The Soul Spinner - Arta Raituma
The Soul Spinner  
30 x 30 cm


When the Sun Stands Still and the Fire Feels Forever - Arta Raituma
When the Sun Stands Still and the Fire Feels Forever  
125 x 125 cm